Physically identical things are often sold for different prices, usually because of
accompanying conditions that are quite different.
If a camera store sells a particular make and model of camera for $300 and the discount
house sells it for $280, it may still pay to go to the camera store where another make and
model of camera is available for $250 that does what you want to do just as well or
If the camera store’s larger selection and more knowledgeable sales staff enables you to
buy only what meets your own needs, there may be financial savings there, as well as
better advice on operating the camera, even if the discount house charges a lower price
for each particular camera that both stores carry.
The point here is not to claim that it is generally better or generally worse to buy cameras
at a camera store or at a discount house. Instead, the point is that what is being sold in the
two places is not the same, even when the cameras themselves are physically identical.
The stores are charging different prices because they are supplying different things that
have different costs to the seller, as well as to the buyer.
Genuine plunder of one nation or people by another has been all too common throughout human history. During the era before the First World War, when Germany had colonies in Africa, only 4 of its 22 enterprises with cocoa plantations there paid dividends, as did only 8 of 58 rubber plantations and only 3 out of 49 diamond mining companies. At the height of the British Empire in the early twentieth century, the British invested more in the United States than in all of Asia and Africa put together. Quite simply, there was more wealth to be made from rich countries than from poor countries. For similar reasons, throughout most of the twentieth century the United States invested more in Canada than in Asia and Africa put together. Only the rise of prosperous Asian industrial nations in the latter part of the twentieth century attracted more American investors in that part of the world. Perhaps the strongest evidence against the economic significance of colonies in the modern world is tha...
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